Why You Should Not Discount the Human Element of Your Partner Relationships
When medical societies and healthcare marketers evaluate their partners, it can be easy to get caught up in capabilities, case studies, and client lists. They matter. They can help you determine if your partner has what it takes to put together marketing solutions that achieve your goals.
Of course, they’re not the only things that matter. When AMC commissioned a third-party to interview clients about their experiences with the firm, multiple clients pointed to the fact that they genuinely enjoy working with us. They value our relationship. They believe in us as individuals and an organization. They trust our expertise and recommendations.
There’s a human element to what we do, and its value cannot be overstated. Culturally, the human element goes to the core of who we are and the experience we strive to deliver. Not only is there a shared commitment to success and profitability, but there is also a shared commitment to building a mutually rewarding and satisfying relationship.
Our Humans
We have more than a dozen national account professionals on the AMC team. These are the people who interact with our clients most often. We don’t call them “salespeople” because that’s not even close to their primary function.
Our team helps you flesh out ideas. We provide more details and explore real-world applications for those concepts. We make sure what your offer is aligned with what your audience is looking for. Essentially, we augment and amplify your capability while focusing on building brand equity and increased revenue.
Our team is integrated in two different lanes – medical societies and healthcare marketers. This gives us a unique perspective into the priorities and needs of groups that may fall outside your core audience, which could help us identify new opportunities for revenue growth.
For a healthcare marketer, this could mean increasing access to specific audiences through highly targeted digital advertising, out-of-home campaigns, or podcasts. For a medical society, this could mean developing a higher-margin digital solution for your clinical journal or increasing attendee engagement and overall experience at a conference.
Our Expertise
There’s a lot more to our humans than being fun to work with.
Our team of marketing consultants brings varying backgrounds and a wide range of experience to the table, from publishing to media to medical segment expertise. In fact, we’re able to offer our clients specialization in dozens of healthcare segments. The level of expertise we bring to the table allows us to better understand what you do and why you do it. We can ask and answer more challenging questions. We then apply these insights to inform the strategies and solutions we recommend. And we can adapt quickly to optimize results and revenue.
Because AMC is still growing, we’re flexible and nimble enough to adapt to each client’s needs in a way that many larger organizations cannot. Of course, we’re committed to retaining that flexibility and nimbleness, regardless of how big we get.
Final Thoughts
When it comes right down to it, most agencies have access to similar tools. Most have the capacity to add capabilities to match a competitor. More often than not, the human element is the primary differentiator.
Look at the depth of their expertise. Look at the breadth of their networks and industry relationships. And, of course, look for genuinely good and decent people who can make the experience enjoyable and fun.
The best way to determine if a partner is a good match is to have an open, honest conversation. Forget about marketing for the time being. Forget about email and social media and events. Just tell us what you think, what you feel, where you want to go, and what’s getting in the way. Once we get everything on the table… you know, human to human… the marketing details tend to fall into place.
Let’s have a conversation.
Learn more about our medical society services and targeted digital marketing programs, email Gene Conselyea GConselyea@amcmediagroup.com
AMC Media Group provides 360-degree support for premier health care associations and leading publishing partners to help them achieve their goals. By harnessing best-in-class talent and omni-channel product solutions, we achieve maximum targeted reach and return through innovative programs. For more information, visit www.amcmediagroup.com